After setting the Middle East afire — the United States now bans its refugees — How's that for courageous Americanism?

© 2017 Peter Free


28 January 2017



If our nasty yellow spines become any more pronounced . . .


. . . we will be like a whiny drunk's gutter-dribbling vomit.


Because we are afraid that an American mall-goer or two might get blown up by terrorists — in our oh-so-precious Homeland — our new president banned Muslim refugees from our borders. With Syrians being rejected indefinitely.


This development comes after President George W. Bush set the Middle Eastern kettle on fire by invading Iraq and President Obama cleverly followed up by directly and indirectly pyromaniac-ing Libya, Syria and Yemen.



Having so casually created a Cauldron of Hell for ordinary people


America now rejects them from escaping to Lady Liberty's supposedly friendly arms.


You never know (goes the logic), there might a dangerous brown guy or two in the fleeing bunch. We can never be too careful — even when the risk of a terrorist getting one of us is less likely than being zapped by lightning.



The moral? — What kind of respect should the American public expect from the human beings we treat so callously?


Y'all pretend Christians could ask Real Jesus.


Or the Swedes and Turks.