If it's a secret, it can't hurt you — (until it does) — US government's underhandedness regarding the Dakota Access Pipeline

© 2017 Peter Free


03 May 2017



Looters in charge


There is no end to the stream of clues that American government has become a plot against knowledgeable democracy.


Here is one such:



[The] Army Corps of Engineers . . . have rejected a FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request for the “assessment report on the potential impact of an oil spill of the Dakota Access pipeline [crossing Lake Oahe in North Dakota],” arguing that the release of such information would people’s lives at risk.


© 2017 JPat Brown, Army Corps of Engineers argues releasing DAPL oil spill assessment reports would endanger lives, MuckRock (25 April 2017) (see the government's FOIA rejection letter, here)



In other words


Knowing how (badly) a pipeline leak will affect citizen and environmental health has to be kept secret.


Otherwise the affected public might try to prevent the disaster.


We cannot allow that in an allegedly free society, can we?



The moral? — Our enemies are not abroad, they are right here — raking in the loot, while they simultaneously jail us in ignorance


As each American day passes, I am less convinced that anarchy would be a comparatively bad thing.