Deep State agent — Jim Clapper — called the Trump kettle black

© 2017 Peter Free


17 May 2017



Do you see yourself in the mirror, Jim?


Lofting himself on Hypocrisy's golden wings:



James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, has accused Donald Trump of placing American democratic institutions “under assault” following the sacking of James Comey – and cautioned that the former FBI director’s removal is “another victory” for Russia.


The forceful criticism comes as the Department of Justice began screening candidates for Comey’s replacement and Democrats renewed calls for a special prosecutor to oversee an investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.


“I think in many ways our institutions are under assault,” Clapper told CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. “Both externally, and that’s the big news here, is Russian interference in our election system. And I think as well our institutions are under assault internally.”


When asked to clarify if the internal assault came from the president directly, the former spy chief added: “Exactly.”


In a later interview on ABC news, Clapper added that “the Russians have to consider this [Comey’s sacking] as another victory on the scoreboard for them”.


© 2017 Oliver Laughland, James Clapper: democratic institutions are 'under assault' by Trump, The Guardian (14 May 2017)



Is Clapper criticizing the President for power-grabbing sins like his own?


Don't that beat all.


Our shadow government — of which Clapper has been a very prominent part — has already destroyed the Fourth Amendment. And it conceals its power-grabbing behind a wall of impenetrable secrecy.


In comparison, king-wannabe President Trump is a novice. As yet, Trump is nowhere near doing the kind of damage to freedom and democratic control that the Deep State has already done and eagerly keeps doing.


Clapper's statement (probably intentionally) diverts us from looking more closely at the Military Industrial Complex.


This parasitic Complex — which President Eisenhower warned us against — is the immensely profitable ("destroy Liberty in order to save it") group that he so enthusiastically represents.



The moral? — Chairman Mao would have loved Clapper's Machiavellian scheming


Totalitarian minds think similarly. Best not be calling President Trump a democracy traitor, Jim. At least not until you confess your own accomplishments in that regard.