CBS News’ Lesley Stahl’s Questions Probed Majority Leader Eric Cantor Skillfully Enough to Expose Him for the Self-Seeking Political Con Man that He Apparently Is

© 2012 Peter Free


03 January 2012



Watch Representative Eric Cantor’s face during this interview — if he were your young child, would you believe him?


The video:


60 Minutes, The Majority Leader: Rep. Eric Cantor, CBS News (01 January 2012)



Temporarily leave aside your political preferences — just for this lie-detection exercise


Pretend Majority Leader Cantor was talking to you in the 60 Minutes interview.  Would you take him at his word, or would you have the nagging suspicion that he is lying in response to Ms. Stahl’s most pointed questions?


I suspect that most folks will quickly spot the deceit indicators that my cop sense picked up right away.



“All politicians lie, Pete, so who cares?”


Representative Cantor’s actual (as opposed to charade) character matters.  He and his ilk, Republican and Democrat alike, deliberately obstruct the delivery of effective governance, in order to benefit the moneyed masters they serve.


Once their deceit is penetrated, it is harder for these “scum” to keep working their rat-hole self-interest.



A credit to Lesley Stahl’s skill


Ms. Stahl did an exceptionally capable job of interviewing.  It is relatively rare to see a deceitful politician so capably exposed for being the self-seeking “con” person that he or she is.


Perhaps it takes elegantly intelligent femininity to lift conceited men’s camouflage.



The moral? — If we learn to recognize the human rats in our midst, perhaps fewer of them would be voted into leadership positions


Personal and social progress is usually about outgrowing our baser impulses.  It is difficult to succeed as a society, when we continue to insist on following the least honorable people among us.