Three Telling Paragraphs of Neocon Idiocy — if This Illogic Made Americans Look any More Foolish, We Would Have to Mercy Kill Ourselves

© 2015 Peter Free


09 July 2015



Think about this a few seconds, so as to grasp its full measure of its silliness


From Luke Coffey (who is probably a nice and capable person undergoing a bad day):



The year 570 was a busy time for the Middle-East. It was the year that the Prophet Mohammed was born. It is also known as the Year of the Elephant, because Ethiopian General Abraha al-Ashram, riding on a war elephant, unsuccessfully led a large army to destroy Mecca.


It was also the year that the Sassanian Empire, the predecessor of modern day Iran, had its first foray into Yemen. Today, almost 1,500 years later, Iran is meddling in Yemen again. It is through the lens of this long history that Iran sees its future - this is something the West fails to understand.


A breakout period of 15-20 years to achieve a nuclear weapon is merely a blink of an eye for Iran's leaders. John Kerry needs to ask himself one very simple question: will the negotiated agreement stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons forever? If the answer is no, then he must walk away from the table.


To do otherwise will have tragic consequences.


© 2015 Luke Coffey, No reason to be optimistic about Vienna talks, Al Jazeera English (09 July 2015) (paragraphs split)



OMG, where to begin?


According to Mr. Coffey, Iranians are patient — which (we can infer from the context of his words) makes them both evil and dangerous.


We know that they are wrong-headed because, again by inference, they have followed Prophet Muhammad since he was born a very long time ago. And they:



obscurely in the form of their cultural predecessors the Sassanians

and before the rise of Islam —

successfully (but apparently again mistakenly),

fended off Ethiopian General Abraha al-Ashram’s elephants,

who were on their heavy footed way to stomp on Mecca,

which was destined to become one of Islam’s holiest sites.


Iranian rotteness is (Coffey implies) clear in that they knew they had to preserve Mecca for its future greatness and they were willing to kill the Ethiopian general and his kindly elephants — doesn’t everyone love elephants? — so as to protect their un-Christian, Yemen-interfering, nuke-wanting future ways.


Why didn’t I think of that?



Thus and therefrom  . . .


Mr. Coffey concludes — in a grand leap from stream of consciousness nonsense to grandiosely hubristic thinking:



[American Secretary of State] John Kerry needs to ask himself one very simple question: will the negotiated agreement stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons forever?


If the answer is no, then he must walk away from the table.


© 2015 Luke Coffey, No reason to be optimistic about Vienna talks, Al Jazeera English (09 July 2015) (paragraph split)


This so because — we are invited to infer — diplomacy must be aimed toward Forever’s permanence, when it comes to nukes.


Which leaves us hanging in explaining why the United States turned a blind eye toward Pakistan’s achievement of those weapons and why we have done nothing effective to deal with the obviously even less trustworthy nuts in North Korea.



From an Iranian perspective, Mr. Coffey’s neocon churlishness smacks of oppressive prejudice


If fair-minded, culturally attuned readers go back to read what Coffey wrote before getting to his Ethiopians and their elephants, they will see that our presumably offended Iranians have a point.



Lack of self-reflection


We all know — don’t we? — that the United States always acts with sweet pacifism, kindly intention, and never (ever) meddles anywhere.


How could those “darn” Iranians have the gall to look out for their interests?



The moral? — Brainlessness is occasionally revealed, when the air in our heads rushes out unsupervised


No wonder Iranians want the Bomb. With adversaries like “Forevermore" Coffey — and other neocon dope-a-likes — I would (in Iranian shoes) see arguable merit in achieving a remote semblance of weapons parity.


Manichean (black and white) aggressiveness, combined with the complete lack of self-reflection, pretty consistently makes deadly enemies where there need not be any.