Maine, literally equivalent to a decrepit third world republic itself — has demonstrated how Constitution-defying Americans — can import totalitarian bananas

© 2023 Peter Free


29 December 2023



Idiot Maine joins brainless Colorado


In a blatant form of whimsically applied, anti-Constitutional tyranny:



Maine’s top election official has removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 primary ballot, in a shock decision based on the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban.”


“I do not reach this conclusion lightly,” Bellows wrote.


“Democracy is sacred … I am mindful that no Secretary of State has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment. I am also mindful, however, that no presidential candidate has ever before engaged in insurrection.”


“The record establishes that Mr. Trump, over the course of several months and culminating on January 6, 2021, used a false narrative of election fraud to inflame his supporters and direct them to the Capitol to prevent certification of the 2020 election and the peaceful transfer of power,” Bellows wrote.


“I likewise conclude that Mr. Trump was aware of the likelihood for violence and at least initially supported its use given he both encouraged it with incendiary rhetoric and took no timely action to stop it.”


Bellows said her decision on Thursday will be put on hold until Maine’s Superior Court – a trial-level court – makes a ruling.


It’s not the highest court in the state, but it’s the next level where Trump or others can appeal.


Maine’s laws mandate that the Superior Court must make a decision within 20 days from Thursday, or January 17.


© 2023 Marshall Cohen, Maine’s top election official removes Trump from 2024 primary ballot, CNN (29 December 2023)



Evidently in Maine, like Colorado . . .


. . . government does not need a criminal trial to decide both a person's criminal guilt and that alleged guilt's Constitutional implications.



The moral? — Ain't whimsically indulged tyranny, fun?


Let's see how quickly, arbitrarily — and entirely absent due process — we can invent reasons to get rid of people, whom we do not like.


Surely, an aggressive propensity for show trials and censored speech will make for a peacefully workable society.


I conclude that the reasons for — and implications of — the US Constitution are completely lost on the massive proportion of nitwits, who populate the United States.


We are a nation strangled to death by a ruling herd of viciously inclined numbskulls.